Saturday, March 28, 2009

Survey says: Childcare is getting tough and tougher

NBC29 did a piece on survey results from a group called Smart Beginnings on child care options (Survey Results: Child Care Struggles Flow Over into the Workplace) . I was mainly struck by this comment from a respondent:
"The cost (of child care) is just too much and I can't afford it and because of that, I feel my child won't get the early education she deserves to get her ready for school!"
It's striking to me when I hear the voice of parents who need to work multiple jobs, but who understand that child care needs to be more than a pair of eyes on their child. They know that if they don't find a place that engages well with their kids, it will have a strong negative effect on their children's future.

That's a frightening dilemma. You need to work to pay for rent/mortgage, food, etc., but you know your pre-schoolers need positive, engaging care to have a better chance when they get to school. But that costs money - and the space might not be available.

Please consider coming out on Monday night at 6:15PM at U Hall. Show that you want to see better opportunities for those in our area, our friends and neighbors who work in minimum wage jobs in businesses in the city and county, who are faced with the prospect of little to no affordable housing and who worry about their children falling behind in school.

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